The Perfect Tea to Try for a Healthier Mind

The Perfect Tea to Try for a Healthier Mind

When it comes to making a statement, tea has a history of taking center stage. From getting tossed into the Boston harbor circa 1773 to being used as an idiom for catching up on the latest drama—tea (and the spilling of it) has always seemed to create quite the stir when it comes to a conversation starter.

Whether you’re looking for a more energized start to your day or a cozy way to wind down, tea can also provide the best hug in a mug for your mind on many levels.

Powerful Energy Boosters That Aren’t Coffee

Powerful Energy Boosters That Aren’t Coffee

It’s probably safe to say that none of us love feeling exhausted at the start of our day… or middle of the day for that matter. And while coffee, energy drinks and the like are common fixes for getting a quick boost of energy, the crash that can come afterwards sometimes hits at the worst possible time. So, we offer you some of our favorite energizing vitamins and ingredients along with some caffeine-free alternatives and foods to power your energy throughout the day.

Tags: energy recipe
Healthy & Homemade-ish Mushroom Coffee

Healthy & Homemade-ish Mushroom Coffee

We know what you’re thinking—why the heck would you want any kind of fungi in your morning brew? Valid. But hear us out. The benefits of mushroom coffee are beyond your usual energy boost.

An Early Bird’s Advice for Starting a Morning Routine

An Early Bird’s Advice for Starting a Morning Routine

Unless you were gifted with a pristine circadian rhythm or have a healthy relationship with sunrises, many of us struggle to wake up or feel energized in the morning. We asked our early birds what some of their tricks were for the best morning routine and are here to spill the tea.

Easy Peasy No-Bake Energy Bites

Easy Peasy No-Bake Energy Bites

Fatigue-fighting no-bake peanut butter bites that are perfect for when you need a little energy boost

Tags: energy recipe